Do you want to download apps for Android for free? is here to help you! Our catalog offers Android apps which will help you cope with any task while working with graphics, video and audio, office, educational and other types of applications. The catalog is enlarged with new popular items every day so don’t forget to follow the updates. The distinctive feature of web portal is a handy and simple system of selecting compatible apps for Android. This means that as soon as you select your phone, tablet or the version of its platform you will be downloading apk, which will work in your device with 99% probability! All apk files are full, efficient and safe – they undergo a compulsory testing before appearing on the site. You can download app for Android phone without signing up in one tap!
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At you can download apps for Android phones and tablets for free!
Votes: 67
Green: Power battery saver - is an application which will save battery charge for Android devices. Energy consumption is reduced thanks to the Wi-Fi control and mobile data control which will be disabled when they are not needed. Automatic mode is a distinctive feature of this application. As soon as a user sets up the application it will start working.

Game features:

  • Choose time interval
  • Wireless connection will be enabled regularly in order to update the information: mail, weather and other
  • Wireless connection is enabled when the screen is on

Views: 33 068
Popularity: 8 198
Use Flashlight call - apk app for tablet without signing up and sms.
Votes: 34
Flashlight call - notifications about missed events by means of flashlight of Android device camera. A user can set up frequency of flashes, time between chains of flashes and other functions.

Game features:

  • Unusual way for notifications
  • Simple interface
  • Intuitive user's settings
Views: 23 926
Popularity: 4 879
Install the most useful mobile app for your phone right now!
Votes: 14
Notepad - is a handy notepad for Android devices in which you can create, edit and delete text files. It is similar to computer notepad but has more functions. Enjoy a popular text editor on the screen of your smartphone.

Game features:

  • Text settings: choose color, background, font size
  • Supports all popular character sets
  • Work with all types of text documents
Views: 22 434
Popularity: 3 443
Fast notepad - free full program version for your phone only at our mobile portal!
Votes: 10
Fast notepad - easy-to-use and fast notepad. From now on you don't need to take a pen and a notebook with you in order to write something down. There is a password protection available so as third persons could not see your information.

Game features:

  • Handy interface
  • Set up editor themes and text fonts
  • Easy-to-use
  • Sorting
  • Password protection
Views: 11 507
Popularity: 1 878
All programs for Android in our collection including Call recorder are on public access.
Votes: 72
Call recorder - is an application useful in your work which allows you to record phone calls. Save important conversations to listen to them again. You can set up contact list filters on your own and choose the calls you would like to record.

Game features:

  • Handy sorting
  • Automatic and manual set up
  • Unlimited number of records

Views: 45 260
Popularity: 10 601
Besides Avtobuser you can download Android apps for free.
Votes: 6
Avtobuser - are you waiting for a bus too long? You will not have to waste your time thanks to this application anymore. Choose the type of vehicle and get the information on its arrival. The application determines your location and can find the nearest stops even if you don't know the exact name.

Game features:

  • Useful application
  • Information is available not for all cities
  • Easy-to-use

Views: 10 498
Popularity: 1 519
Square home - you can download programs for Android tablet for free only at!
Votes: 160
Square home - is an application which allows you to change the style of desktops of your device into Windows phone. The skin consists of adjustable tiles of different colors which can be set by a user as he likes. There are also tag marks of applications and widgets available.

Game features:

  • Side panel with all applications
  • Change style and color
  • Handy search
  • Set up gestures behavior
Views: 62 294
Popularity: 21 165
Download Android apps only from our web portal, all files are free and safe.
Votes: 106 - is a mobile version of a popular music resource with the help of which you can download your favorite music for free to your Android device and listen to it without Internet connection. This application allows you to download songs from your account in social network Vkontakte. Catch the latest music tracks!

Game features:

  • Bluetooth and locked screen control
  • Genre and artist sorting
  • Add to folders and favorites

Views: 44 591
Popularity: 8 126
Install Screener and other best programs to your phone or tablet for free!
Votes: 53
Screener - unique method of screenshot performance. The application offers templates of device chassis. User's task is to make a screenshot and place it to the selected template. After this you can add background, shades, hot spots, blurring, 3D and other effects to make the picture brighter and more interesting.

Game features:

  • Easy-to-use
  • Variety of templates
  • Many effects
Views: 30 097
Popularity: 8 325
Do not hesitate! Download programs for Android tablets and phones for free today.
Business   Other  
Votes: 8
Notify Pro - is a useful application for notifying a user about missed calls, text messages, e-mails, social networks events and other notifications. Big number of adjustable functions is available.

Game features:

  • Pop-up windows notifications
  • Easy-to-use
  • Many options: mute hour, black list, favorites and others
  • Customize themes

Views: 13 401
Popularity: 2 064
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