In this section you will find Organizers apps for Android 4.0.2 . Any Android program may be included into several sections and may have several tags. You can download all apps for Android for free from Organizers section just like from the whole site.
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At you can download apps for Android phones and tablets for free!
Votes: 6
Hot Schedules - pocket notes which will help you make maximum efficient schedule for a day, week or month. Specify priority events and set the needed time. Smart filters sort out lists according to criteria and simple interface allows displaying data fast.

Game features:

  • Working schedule
  • Simple interface
  • Long-term tasks
  • Priority settings
Views: 6 388
Popularity: 450
Use WakeVoice: Vocal Alarm Clock - apk app for tablet without signing up and sms.
Votes: 22
WakeVoice: Vocal Alarm Clock - is a modern alarm-clock supporting voice commands. Personalized messages will inform you about the latest news and offer a weather forecast. You can activate a reminder fast to be displayed after the signal is switched off.

Game features:

  • Regular alarm clocks
  • Adjustable messages
  • Optimized interface
  • Activated repeat option
Views: 10 203
Popularity: 1 604
Install the most useful mobile app for your phone right now!
Votes: 11
Mail App: Aqua - is an application for collecting and processing of e-mails. The application will automatically adjust accounts and dowload all messages from different mail systems. Standard protocol support will allow you to connect even your own servers.

Game features:

  • Simple settings
  • Standard protocols
  • Impoved security system
  • Immediate mail delivery
Views: 7 339
Popularity: 782
Google Keep - free full program version for your phone only at our mobile portal!
Votes: 6
Google Keep - get notifications on important events at certain time or in specified place. You can make notes directly in browser, all you need to do is to mark the needed area and copy it. To group events, apply different color marks.

Game features:

  • Fast search
  • Universal interface
  • Timely reminders
  • Synchronization between devices
Views: 8 174
Popularity: 783
All programs for Android in our collection including Sleep Diary are on public access.
Votes: 6
Sleep Diary - is a unique alarm clock which will help you wake up comfortable. Use a special diary to mark the duration of your sleep and level of freshness after awakening. The application will analyze data and select the best timer point which will wake you up in the needed time.

Game features:

  • Desktop widget
  • Various types of a signal
  • Minimal battery power consumption
  • Supports accelerometer system of controls
Views: 7 845
Popularity: 981
Besides Sleep cycle: Alarm clock you can download Android apps for free.
Votes: 31
Sleep Cycle alarm clock - this application will be useful for you in case you can't wake up with a regular alarm-clock. Intellectual signal will select the right moment and will gradually awake you from a deep sleep.

Game features:

  • Many interesting settings
  • Sleep phase analyzing
  • Set up embedded or your own melodies
  • Signal postpone
  • Handy interface

Views: 21 169
Popularity: 4 456
Mobile Noter - you can download programs for Android tablet for free only at!
Votes: 5
MobileNoter - make notes and get access to them from any device thanks to cloud synchronization with remote server. Attach tags to your notes for fast search and handy category sorting.

Game features:

  • Cloud synchronization
  • search on note library
  • You can attach tags
  • Use initial formating
Views: 7 477
Popularity: 854
Download Android apps only from our web portal, all files are free and safe.
Votes: 4
Notes - make momentary notes, shopping lists or simple reminders. You can share your notes with your friends easily. Matters list option allows making marks directly inside the document. You can also code it in case you need.

Game features:

  • Safe notes coding
  • Back up copy support
  • Handy marks in big documents
  • You can stick a picture to a note
Views: 13 018
Popularity: 1 867
Install Pocket Note and other best programs to your phone or tablet for free!
Votes: 8
Pocket Note - is an electronic notebook which supports different types of notes. Create convenient shopping lists or a reminder making a snap photo. Record your thoughts and listen to them when you need in order not to forget your creative ideas.

Game features:

  • Place your photos easily
  • Supports drawn notes
  • Traditional text reminders
  • Convenient record of audio tracks from a voice recorder
Views: 16 182
Popularity: 3 328
Do not hesitate! Download programs for Android tablets and phones for free today.
Votes: 8
1 two do - make lists of tasks in hand easily with the help of this application. Connect your tasks to certain time and date, make reminders. Your task manager will always be at hand. Manage your tasks and don't miss important events!

Game features:

  • Simple interface
  • Intuitive system of controls
  • Make reminders
  • Handy editing

Views: 12 115
Popularity: 1 560
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