In this section you will find Business apps for Android 4.0 . Any Android program may be included into several sections and may have several tags. You can download all apps for Android for free from Business section just like from the whole site.
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Monefy pro - is a useful application for Android devices which will help you effectively manage your finance and control your expenses. The application offers a detailed expense graph where you can select a reported period. A user can set a password, select the needed currency and safely synchronize the results with any devices. Monefy pro is an easy way to manage your personal finance!
Game features:
Game features:
- Password protection
- Easy accounting process
- Statistics of expenses
- Handy category sorting
- Backup copying and data export through DropBox into Excel-file
1 two do - make lists of tasks in hand easily with the help of this application. Connect your tasks to certain time and date, make reminders. Your task manager will always be at hand. Manage your tasks and don't miss important events!
Game features:
Game features:
- Simple interface
- Intuitive system of controls
- Make reminders
- Handy editing
Install the most useful mobile app for your phone right now!
Gbacalc decimal calculator - is a multifunctional calculator which will make the user's life easier. The application reflects the results of the performed computations in regular calculator with familiar interface and it will help you make calculations with percentage and other difficult computations.
Game features:
Game features:
- Handy interface
- Work with percentage and make other difficult calculations
- You can save the results as a text in the file of results
aCalendar - free full program version for your phone only at our mobile portal!
aCalendar - is a premium version of a calendar for Android smartphone. Use your working and spare time with maximum efficiency planning your day with the help of a calendar. Application statistics will help to share out and predict availability during a day. Synchronization will remind about important events by means of text messages and e-mail.
Game features:
Game features:
- Flowing animation
- Select a theme
- Screen widget
- Birthdays and other important dates with photos from a contact list
- Synchronization with a regular calendar
- Minimal battery consumption
All programs for Android in our collection including Library book - Free books in apk are on public access.
Library Book - is a collection of books to any liking. Apk books will release you from the neccessity to download other readers. This application has many free books of all genres available. Besides, new books are added on a daily basis. Moreover, the application offers a handy search with which you will find the needed book in no time.
Game features:
Game features:
- Many books of different genres
- Daily updating of the library
- Handy search
- Handy reader
Besides Ondesly finance you can download Android apps for free.
Ondesly finance - is a useful manager of personal expenses. You can make diagram of income and expenses, make a list of purchases. Control your finance easily. You can set a password for starting the application.
Game features:
Game features:
- Save data in the memory card and recover it
- Simple tracking
- Reminders and notes
- Set up menu color
- Main screen widget
ApMemo - you can download programs for Android tablet for free only at!
ApMemo - is a wonderful application which allows you to create fast notes by means of drawing. You can also set a reminder with the help of this application. A user can move a note onto the main display as a widget.
Game features:
Game features:
- Choose size, feather color and background
- Text and graphics modes
- External SD card set up support
- Send notes via social networks
- Unlimited amount of notes
Download Android apps only from our web portal, all files are free and safe.
My clock 2 - excellent clock and alarm clock for Android devices. You can set alarm-clock signal from your playlist as well as set up gradual volume increase. Reflection of weather forecast during the awakening process is a nice bonus of this application.
Game features:
Game features:
- Many settings
- Nice interface
- Clock with 3 styles
- Adjustable widgets and colors
Install Mail App: Aqua and other best programs to your phone or tablet for free!
Mail App: Aqua - is an application for collecting and processing of e-mails. The application will automatically adjust accounts and dowload all messages from different mail systems. Standard protocol support will allow you to connect even your own servers.
Game features:
Game features:
- Simple settings
- Standard protocols
- Impoved security system
- Immediate mail delivery
Do not hesitate! Download programs for Android tablets and phones for free today.
Q time rec - is a good assistant which will control time spent for completing a chain of tasks and projects. You can sort your tasks according to the categories and make unlimited amount of subtasks.
Game features:
Game features:
- Total report and report for certain period
- Add, remove, edit and view your tasks
- Look through the statistics