In this section you will find Internet and Communication apps for Android 5.0.2. Any Android program may be included into several sections and may have several tags. You can download all apps for Android for free from Internet and Communication section just like from the whole site.
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At you can download apps for Android phones and tablets for free!
Votes: 15
Intra - is a protection from DNS manipulations, a cyber attack type used to block access to news sites, social network platforms and applications for sharing messages. This application also helps to protect you from certain fishing and malware attacks.

Game features:

  • Access to blocked sites and applications
  • No limits on data usage
  • Confidentiality
  • Easy-to-use
Views: 5 620
Popularity: 201
Use Armorfly - Browser & downloader - apk app for tablet without signing up and sms.
Votes: 19
Armorfly - is a safe browser which provides maximum confidentiality and safety. You can block your secrets and enjoy handy navigation in the Internet thanks to a complex protection. Besides, the browser always works in confidential mode, all received and sent data through the application will be removed as soon as you quit the app.

Game features:

  • Smart download
  • AdBlock
  • Protection from malware sites
  • No traces
Views: 8 808
Popularity: 789
Install the most useful mobile app for your phone right now!
Votes: 27
Opera Touch - is a new mobile version of Opera browser, specially adapted for Android devices. This browser is marketed by the developers as the one for those who is used to surf the Internet on the go. New mobile browser is easily synchronized with updated desktop version of Opera with no need to enter a password or a login.

Game features:

  • Snap search
  • Personal Flow feed
  • Safe work in the Internet
  • Embedded ad blocker
Views: 18 199
Popularity: 1 539
Puffin Browser - free full program version for your phone only at our mobile portal!
Votes: 78
Puffin Browser - powerful mobile browser. Look through your favorite sites, watch interesting video and listen to your favorite music. High speed of the application allows you to open full version of sites. interface allows changing tabs fast with one tap, you will easily find the needed window.

Game features:

  • Simple clearing of the browser history
  • Integration cloud of the storage service
  • Automatical hiding of status bar
  • Embedded pop-up wondow block
Views: 33 599
Popularity: 7 077
All programs for Android in our collection including In call are on public access.
Votes: 13
In call - is a useful application which will extend of options incoming call. It is handy to use this application while driving when you need to ignore the call and send a message without being distracted from a driving process. You can also return the incoming call with one fast tap.

Game features:

  • Handy interface
  • Notification in the status line in case you forgot to return somebody's call
  • Live wallpapers support
Views: 17 297
Popularity: 2 510
Besides Calls blacklist you can download Android apps for free.
Votes: 30
Calls blacklist - is a blocker of undesirable incoming calls and text messages. Arrange your blacklist easily, choose any phone numbers from your contact list, calls journal or with the help of manual mode. The call will not distract you from current matters, will be blocked without any sound notification, but will be reflected in the black list history.

Game features:

  • Does not consume memory resources
  • Blocked calls and sms journal
  • Notifications
  • Password protection
Views: 22 745
Popularity: 4 771
Google Plus - you can download programs for Android tablet for free only at!
Votes: 23
Google Plus - is a social network client that supports all necessary functions of fully featured site. You can create chats with friends, add people you know to your communication circles and send media files. Look through the news feed and learn about new events.

Game features:

  • Personal albums
  • Handy media editor
  • Embedded group chats
  • Reflection of the latest news
Views: 12 461
Popularity: 1 409
Download Android apps only from our web portal, all files are free and safe.
Votes: 25
LiteTube - is an appliation for viewing lite version YouTube videos. It allows you to load videos fast and will decrease consumption of mobile data a lot. Besides, all videos will be played in a walking menu.

Game features:

  • Watch videos from YouTube
  • Walking menu
  • Save your mobile data
  • Handy search for video
  • Simple and comprehensive interface
Views: 6 702
Popularity: 937
Install ibis Paint X and other best programs to your phone or tablet for free!
Votes: 52
ibis Paint X - this application is based on social painting concept. You can post the process of painting to share the joy of art with your friends or just with other people. Besides the process of painting you can apply other functions of the application, similar to those of Photoshop.

Game features:

  • Intuitive and simple system of controls
  • Painting process recording
  • View works of other people
Views: 12 254
Popularity: 1 061
Do not hesitate! Download programs for Android tablets and phones for free today.
Votes: 120
Lite for Facebook - is a lite alternative for Facebook messages. The application has minimalistic design, which differes from the original version of Facebook application. This program works faster and it will be easier for you to post a status or view pages in your smartphone.

Game features:

  • Lite version
  • Battery save
  • Security
Views: 29 769
Popularity: 4 907
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Download free Internet and Communication apps for Android 5.0.2. Huge choice of free Android programs in the Internet and Communication section, which can be downloaded to phone for free.