In this section you will find Internet and Communication apps for Android 5.0. Any Android program may be included into several sections and may have several tags. You can download all apps for Android for free from Internet and Communication section just like from the whole site.
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At you can download apps for Android phones and tablets for free!
Votes: 394
UC Browser - fast browser for Android devices with detailed menu, flowing animation and multitouch gesture support. To create a tab you need to swipe two fingers down, to close a tab swipe up, to switch between tabs swipe left and right. Embedded news manager is available. This browser is an excellent competible replacement for a standard one.

Game features:

  • Handy system of history and tab save
  • Fast work
  • Incognito mode
  • Many useful settings
Views: 103 947
Popularity: 23 247
Use ТНТ-Club - apk app for tablet without signing up and sms.
Votes: 110
ТНТ-Club - having installed this application you will not only know all current events of TNT channel stars from all over the world but also get benefit from virtual activity. Take part in voting, comment, make new reposts and save points which can be exchanged for presents: visit TV shows, TV series shooting, closed parties, chance to meet celebrities and Comedy club residents.

Game features:

  • Many presents
  • Discounts at internet shops and cinemas

Views: 40 263
Popularity: 6 151
Install the most useful mobile app for your phone right now!
Votes: 38
Steam - is a mobile client of a popular game service for Android devices where you can buy games, learn about new games, share reviews and communicate with other gamers. Get the latest updates of the game world!

Game features:

  • Stylish design
  • Groups and chat with friends
  • Big library
  • Create your own profile
  • Favorites
  • Simple category search
Views: 23 749
Popularity: 3 982
YouTube - free full program version for your phone only at our mobile portal!
Votes: 589
YouTube - is an online version of a popular service for watching videos online on Android devices. Watch the most popular videos from all over the planet: latest music, news, blogs, reviews and other things. The application will offer a user the same functions as the ones from browser version: video download, comments, video sharing, subscription and list of favorite users.

Game features:

  • Exact design
  • Simple system of controls
  • Tag navigator
  • Handy search and sorting
  • Consumes less traffic than the browser version
  • Full screen HD video play
Views: 191 723
Popularity: 31 974
All programs for Android in our collection including Brave browser: Fast AdBlocker are on public access.
Votes: 19
Brave Browser - is a fast, free of charge and safe web browser for Android with embedded AdBlock. This browser provides protection from tracking and security system, which allows you to optimize energy consumption and tarification. This utility gives you fast and safe search system and information viewing in the Internet, available for Android.

Game features:

  • Embedded AdBlock
  • Optimization of energy consumption and traffic
  • Fast search
  • Handy interface
Views: 10 938
Popularity: 1 272
Besides Message me you can download Android apps for free.
Votes: 56
Message me - is an application for sharing text, graphical and voice messages with your friends. You can write and draw on screenshot which you want to send. This is an excellent messanger for Android device.

Game features:

  • Fast sending
  • Free chat
  • Simple adding to a contact list

Views: 31 491
Popularity: 7 042
WhatsApp messenger - you can download programs for Android tablet for free only at!
Votes: 1 491
WhatsApp messenger - is a popular application for sharing messages. Phone numbers from your contact list having WhatsApp messenger will be automatically synchronized with the application. Fast message sending is available as well as sending pictures, video and group conversation option. Communicate with your friends from all over the world.
Views: 381 066
Popularity: 81 965
Download Android apps only from our web portal, all files are free and safe.
Votes: 55
Google duo - is an application with the help of which you can make high quality video calls from your Android device. Video connection will not be seized even if the speed of your Internet provider is too slow.

Game features:

  • Protected calls
  • Neat interface
  • Support of HD-video
  • Phone coding option
Views: 22 355
Popularity: 4 443
Install Pinterest and other best programs to your phone or tablet for free!
Votes: 50
Pinterest - is an interesting and handy social application which allows you to pin images you liked connected to internet pages they were received from. Sort your content according to different themes: sports, cooking, travelling ideas and others. Look through the pins of other users after you sign up for their profile. Look for the inspiration and keep ideas on your own page.

Game features:

  • Add pictures from the internet to your page
  • Easy search
  • Create different themes
  • Share your interests with your friends

Views: 29 806
Popularity: 4 102
Do not hesitate! Download programs for Android tablets and phones for free today.
Votes: 150
Firefoxe - is a mobile version of a popular web browser which offers the user flexible settings, speed, safety and synchronization of bookmarks and favorite pages with other devices of yours.

Game features:

  • Handy interface
  • Synchronization with other devices
  • Reading mode
  • Incognito mode
  • Fast work and page download
Views: 65 165
Popularity: 12 560
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