In this section you will find File managers apps for Android 4.2.1 . Any Android program may be included into several sections and may have several tags. You can download all apps for Android for free from File managers section just like from the whole site.
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At you can download apps for Android phones and tablets for free!
Votes: 90
RAR - a powerful and popular archiver ported to Android devices. The application is aimed at viewing, unpacking or compression of archive files. Create rar and zip files exactly from your smartphone.

Game features:

  • Saves the memory of your device
  • Recovers broken ZIP and RAR archives
  • Productvity measuring option
  • Fast speed of files archiving

Views: 41 733
Popularity: 13 469
Use WinZip - apk app for tablet without signing up and sms.
Votes: 38
WinZip - is a popular archiver from WinZip developers. With the help of this application you can easily unpack, look through and save Zip files in your mobile device.

Game features:

  • Look through images, text files, web files, Word, Excel tables, Pdf and other files
  • You can open archives attached to the e-mails
  • Opens coded files

Views: 31 250
Popularity: 8 385
Install the most useful mobile app for your phone right now!
Votes: 29
Apk renamer pro - this software will scan your device and find setup files of apk applications and it can rename standard files according to the names of the corresponding applications.

Game features:

  • Scanning of your device in order to find setup files of apk applications
  • Sorting out accoring to date and size
  • Dark and light themes
  • Different variants of renaming

Views: 24 788
Popularity: 5 477
Super Download - free full program version for your phone only at our mobile portal!
Votes: 151
Super Download - use all power of your Internet connection combining 3G and WIFI. Use two networks at the same time to download files with incredible speed. Copy the needed links and adjust your browser for automatic work.

Game features:

  • Supports all browsers
  • Various ways of downloading
  • Seized downloadings resume
  • Use your own extension type

Views: 67 070
Popularity: 16 236
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